Tech Journal

Olivier Seller

Olivier Seller
Technical Fellow, Wireless IP

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Expert Series: The Advantages of Chirp Technology

Posted by Olivier Seller on Mar 16, 2020 12:00:00 AM

Chirps are great for low power wide area networks (LPWAN) because they occupy a single dimension.

Let’s start with a real-world analogy: it is difficult to get lost in a one-dimensional space. For instance, if you walk along a coastline or a river it is fairly easy to find your way back. Similarly, it is possible to set up an appointment with a friend in a one-dimensional space (in a loose manner) such as “Let’s meet on Main Street near the restaurants.” If you’re both walking along Main Street near the restaurants at roughly same time, you will

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Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Wireless RF, LPWAN